Monday, December 19, 2011

My feet will forgive me, in time

Walking down the hall this morning my legs cut through the cushy haze of lingering sleep to remind me how much I've abused them over the weekend.
I took my wife to Disneyland Saturday and because I booked a hotel room for Saturday night we could stay at the park until closing and be fresh as daises for the drive home the following morning. Or, that was the plan.

We had a great time, all 15 hours of it. My legs and feet may have a different opinion but I'm not letting them near the keyboard, so we'll be sticking with my version.

We walked and walked and... you get the idea. By the time we dragged ourselves into our hotel room it was almost midnight. After a very hot shower to take the kink out of my back I climbed into bed and didn't know nothing from nobody for the next eight hours. It was great.

I like Disneyland and when it gets dressed up in all of it's Christmas finery with wandering carolers, Christmas music, bands, wreaths, etc., you can't help but feel like a kid in a candy store... with a maxed out credit card.

It rained a few times but that only helped clear the streets while others scurried for cover we happily strolled down the streets with plenty of elbow room. It was a very good weekend. And it wrapped up better than I could have hoped because with the helpful instructions from Jennifer over from Scrivener customer support I finally cleared out all of the double '??' that have been plaguing me this past week.

The book is going to be published this week! It would happen tonight, but I have a Christmas party. I'm very excited. I'm on the edge of my seat hoping people with really enjoy the book.

More to follow...

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